Friday, October 15, 2010

Compare: Speaker Pelosi and Minority Leader Boehner

Recent Gibson Campaign Ads indicate without any proof that Speaker Pelosi is somehow very bad and so Congressman Murphy must be bad too. Neither Speaker Pelosi nor Minority Leader Boehner are "bad" but their policies are extremely different.

Lets compare her to Minority Leader Boehner who has campaigned for Mr. Gibson and is slated to become the Speaker of the House, if Mr. Gibson wins and the GOP take it over:

Minority Leader, John Boehner

and doesn't support:

Social Security, as we know it
He wants to "reform" Social Security

and he doesn't
Support Health and Insurance Reform
He led House voting against reform which:
- Stops Ins. Cos using pre-existing conditions even against children
- Stops Ins.Cos dropping young adults from parents health ins. policies
- Increased Medicare Spending from 529 Billion to 929 billion.
- Eliminating the "donut hole" in Medicare D and saved Seniors $ thousands.
- Limits the growth in medical & insurance costs, so much so that the non-partisan
- The BiPartisan Cogressional Budget Office found that it leads to deficit and debt reduction.

and he doesn't support
The Education Jobs and Medicaid Assistance Act>

He lead his minority to oppose
-creating 319,000 jobs, including 161,000 teacher jobs,

-closes tax loopholes that encourage corporations to ship American jobs overseas and reduces the deficit.

-included $10 billion in funding to save teacher jobs;
-included $16.1 billion in health assistance to the states that, by reducing shortfalls, will help keep many others on the job, including police officers and firefighters.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi

YES WE CAN(and did)

This is the Congresswoman and grandmother signing an education bill which became law that:

- saved or created 319,000 jobs, including 161,000 teacher jobs,
- closed tax loopholes that encouraged corporations to ship American jobs overseas and reduces the deficit.
-The bill includes $10 billion in funding to save teacher jobs;
-and $16.1 billion in health assistance to the states that, by reducing shortfalls, will help keep many others on the job, including police officers and firefighters.

She had been selected by a very diverse group of Representatives, comprised mostly of men. She has been a leading representative in the House of Representatives for many years and so was and is known for her smarts, diplomacy and knowledge. The allegation is that Congressman Scott Murphy follows her leadership. Thank goodness he mostly has. As an independent thinking man, he has not always agreed and has insisted upon matters important to the District. Remember, he voted no on Health and Insurance Reform until his ideas were included.

Mr. Gibson, on the other hand has been the recepient of Mr. Boehner's fund raising and has accepted advertising from a Corporate front group named 60 Plus Association. That organization has been funded by the World's Largest Pharmaceutical Corporations

Mr. Murphy working with YES WE CAN Speaker Pelosi is a better choice than Mr. Gibson working with HELL NO WE WON'T Mr. Boehner.