Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Murphy town hall at Golden Harvest

These people when asked, readily admitted to being from Gloversville, Cohoes and Troy.

Other photos of note.

Where was John Sweeney?

1 Nasty Letter in
Register Star about the event 8 22 09
This is to correct the letter to the editor of the Register Star by Walter Brooks. First, I did not say and do not remember saying the words attributed to me. If I did say anything that offended anyone, I apologize. The incident as it unfolded was the following: When leaving the Congressman Murphy’s town hall presentation, I stopped to take a picture of a friend and his sign. Mr. Brooks in a very angry manner got in my face and spewed anger about “race”. He used the f-word repeatedly to which I tried not to react. If I offended anyone, I apologize, as that is not my wishes or style even when provoked. Walter is in the yellow shirt carrying his sign which said “No Obama Care” The other photo is of Mr. Brooks at the rally.

Maymie's 100th Birthday and part of extended family

Barbara's mother, known to all as "Maymie", celebrated her 100th birthday at Winding Brook Country Club. Friends and relatives came from as far away as Seattle. Several were from Minnesota where Maymie was born. He amazing life, witnessing Baby Face Nelson shooting and robbing the Brainerd Bank, voting for 14 presidents (Seeing 19 Presidents), traveling to Albany to marry her high school sweet heart, and currently winning the family football pool, cheering on her favorite Manning boys, from whom she received birthday greetings, a signed Giants football, and team jersey.